Here to help you grow creatively and refine your new AI skills

Meet Jim

I’ve been working in the digital art world for the last 3 decades. When AI Art took flight over the past couple of years, I embraced it and developed AI Art College to share with other like-minded people. I will continue to create ongoing AI art courses in the future, as this is an amazing opportunity for all - the future is here and now.

And, here to make AI art work for you.

Bring your ideas to life

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you’ve always wanted to be an artist. Maybe you are an artist and want to increase your creativitiy.

Create with confidence

It can be intimidating to turn your ideas into something magical. Learn to turn your ideas into reality with confidence.

Expand your potential

Learn to make AI art become more than a hobby. Take it to the next level and share your images with the rest of the world.

Become a member of AI Art College today!

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